This post explains the "why" behind the blog and a little more background on my professional and educational background.


Science fiction books and movies tend to portray our future as dystopian. Have you ever asked yourself why we keep projecting the future as only doom and gloom? I am refusing to prolong that narrative any longer. Utopia, one of the earliest examples of science fiction world-building by Thomas More, illustrates societal interactions as peaceful, enjoyable, and beneficial. Have we (or maybe just Sci-fi writers) lost hope in any optimistic view of humanity? Our generation now is living in the earliest stages of the metaverse - a convergence of our digital and physical lives - where you can own your identity and assets across online spaces. I am choosing to be an optimistic and enthusiastic voice as the future emerges.

Ultimately, I want to create value for others by being an investor, founder, and thought leader on a global scale. But here, my journey is starting by investing and building companies in Northwest Arkansas (NWA). There is so much more to learn about this industry and region as it continues to develop. I moved to NWA and started consulting independently in 2018. I have been working with over a dozen start-ups, businesses, and nonprofits to understand how web3 technology can add value to their organization.  

In the near future, we will see decentralized applications, products, and services integrated with real life and the virtual world. Investors in software companies will need expertise in building decentralized networks, token incentives, and blockchain-based tools to stay relevant.Traditional systems and enterprises have not fully harnessed the power of decentralized technology or don’t always see the potential. I want to create content that illuminates critical insights for institutions and leads the way in creating positive transformation for someone or some businesses. 

My goal with content on is to impact entrepreneurship in Northwest Arkansas by researching and sharing what I learn about startup ecosystem building and investing, especially within web3. I am also passionate about justice, honesty, and inclusivity. I want to use this blog to master articulating some of these ideas. Writing in a public space will fine-tune my ability to build an investment thesis and explore what topics are most important for realizing potential problems or solutions for companies and communities operating IRL (in real life) and URL (online).

When I look back in 20 years, I hope I can be seen as a trusted voice influencing the creation of our new reality. My three writing categories: Research, Showcase, and Opinion pieces will educate and delight if you're seeking to build or invest in digital applications and communities in the metaverse or NWA. Well, that’s it. Enjoy!

Professional and Educational  Background

Recently, I joined the Cartwheel Studio team as the Studio Director. Cartwheel Startup Studio is a venture studio in Bentonville, Arkansas focused  on workers, distributed teams, and Web 3.0 opportunities and provides services for joint-ventured, scaled product studios, and SaaS businesses. Never been more excited to work with a team like this!

Previously, I was the Senior Managing Director at the Blockchain Center of Excellence (BCoE). The mission of the BCoE is to make the Sam M. Walton College of Business a premiere academic institution for research and education in blockchain technology and distributed ecosystems. Our team accomplished this through events, research, and education for our 12 Executive Advisory Board companies, and our graduate and undergraduate business students. In partnership with China Agriculture University and Walmart China, I led blockchain research and implementation for both the Poultry and Pork Excellence Supply Chain Projects to promote food safety in the country. I also developed the curriculum for Introduction to Cryptocurrency, and instructed this course for three years. In 2021, I was the recipient of the Walton College Spring Staff Innovator Award for my work in this role.  I recruited world-class speakers and tech talent to NWA by managing the Life Works Here Bitcoin + Bike initiative. Finally, I authored strategic and program plans for 2023 that include web3 101 in-person meetups, advanced technical workshops, and an incubation cohort program.

My career journey has allowed me to serve a diverse range of co-workers, partnering organizations, and consumers. I've held positions on teams in corporate operations, marketing, finance, sales, and research. Heifer Project International has been a key organization in my professional life. I was the Blockchain Advisor and founding team member of Heifer Labs, where I designed and piloted non-profit Blockchain Initiatives. Our team worked with Grass Roots Farmers Cooperative to create the first poultry supply chain built on the Ethereum Blockchain. I also led a project to create a blockchain-based Donation Tracking tool which accepts cryptocurrency donations going towards ending hunger and poverty, while caring for the earth. Finally, I advised a Heifer DAO project for groundnut farmers in Malawi and NFT fundraising collaborations with several artists and crypto exchanges. 

In 2013, I received a dual-degree from The University of Arkansas in International Business (Accounting) and Spanish Language. In 2019, I completed a Masters in Digital Currency from the University of Nicosia (UNIC). Other certificate programs I’ve completed include IDEO: Human Centered Design, Springboard’s Foundations of Data Science (100 hours), Microsoft’s PowerBI Data Analysis and Visualization, as well as an AICPA Non-Profit Accounting course. These programs strengthened my ability to combine quantitative and qualitative methods for conducting research and product development.